Sunday, April 29, 2007


-> What is the reserve command?

Ans: Reverse Command :Reverse N Lines : if there is not enough space left on the current page for atleast n lines it starts a new page

-> I have my Subroutine in one Report and that I want to Use that one in another Report, How is it possible?

Ans: report Zreport1.


perform sub.

form sub.




Report Zreport2.


perform sub( Zreport1).

-> In dialog programming how many events are there


-> What are the Paragraph and character format?

Ans: Paragraph format : paragraph formats tells about the look and aligenmentleft margin , rightmargin , indent 1 of 1 , space after , space before.Charecter format tells abt the font look.bold , italic , superscript , subscript.

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