Sunday, April 29, 2007


-> What is the reserve command?

Ans: Reverse Command :Reverse N Lines : if there is not enough space left on the current page for atleast n lines it starts a new page

-> I have my Subroutine in one Report and that I want to Use that one in another Report, How is it possible?

Ans: report Zreport1.


perform sub.

form sub.




Report Zreport2.


perform sub( Zreport1).

-> In dialog programming how many events are there


-> What are the Paragraph and character format?

Ans: Paragraph format : paragraph formats tells about the look and aligenmentleft margin , rightmargin , indent 1 of 1 , space after , space before.Charecter format tells abt the font look.bold , italic , superscript , subscript.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


-> How many select statements are there and list those.

Ans)Select singleselect .. upto 1 rowsselect Field from dbtable into table itab.

-> What is the transaction code SM 31?

Ans) SE31-Used for maintaining Tables/Views.

-> What is ABAP Memory and SAP Memory?

Ans) SAP memory is a memory area to which all main sessions within a SAPgui have access. You can use SAP memory either to pass data from one program to another within a session, or to pass data from one session to another. Application programs that use SAP memory must do so using SPA/GPA parameters .

ABAP memory is a memory area that all ABAP programs within the same internal session can access using the EXPORT and IMPORT statements. Data within this area remains intact during a whole sequence of program calls. To pass data to a program which you are calling, the data needs to be placed in ABAP memory before the call is made. The internal session of the called program then replaces that of the calling program. The program called can then read from the ABAP memory.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


-> What is SQL Trace?

Ans) SQL Tracer is a tool used to measure the performance of ABAP program.

T.code :st05

-> Use of SMOD and CMOD transactions


-> Have you used SM30 and SM31 transactions?

Ans) sm30 is used to view the ' Call Up View Maintenance ' and SM31 is to view the ' Table maintenance '

-> How many sessions can be opened max. in SAP?

Ans) Six.

Friday, April 20, 2007


-> What is the Difference Between Tablecontrols and Step Loops?

Ans) Table controls have both horizontal and vertical scrollers and cursor control logic is designed implicitly.Step loops have only horizontal scrollers and cursor control logic is to be designed by the user explicitly.

-> Double click function on the lists, identifying the line selected by the user on the list.

Ans) SY_LSIND -> List levelSY-LILLI line number

-> what is the diff b/w start_form and open_form in scripts?.why is it necessary to close a form always once it is opened?

Ans) strat_form using this we can open many layoutsets
open_form using this we can open the layout
performance will be high

-> How many types of Standard Internal Tables?

Ans) STANDARD TABLE: The key is, by default, set to NON-UNIQUE. You may not use the UNIQUE addition. -
SORTED TABLE: Unlike stadard tables, sorted table have no default setting for the uniqueness attribute. If you do not specify either UNIQUE or NON-UNIQUE, the system defines a generic table type, where uniqueness is irrelevant. You can use generic types to specify the type of generic subroutine parameters. -
HASHED TABLE: Hashed tables have no default setting. You must use the UNIQUE addition with hashed tables. You may not use NON-UNIQUE.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


-> Suppose I call one subroutine for another report , but that is not exists what will be the result?
Ans: the program will go into short dump. from avoiding the program to go into sjort dump you can use the statement [........ if found] with the calling statement in your program

->What are Text Elements?

Ans) Text elements makes program easier to maintain program texts in different languages.

-> Have you created tables in SAP? What are client dependent and independent tables?
How do you create independent tables?

Ans)Tables which are having MANDT field is called as client dependent tables.Tables which are not having MANDT field is called as client independent tables.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


-> What are the SET Parameter and GET Parameter?

Ans: To use parameter IDs, you need to “set” (store) values in the global memory area and then “get” (retrieve) values from this parameter ID memory area. §In the case of an online program, you will “set” values from screen fields and you will “get” these values for screen fields. §You can perform this “set/get” function two ways: § Use the ABAP statements “SET PARAMETER ID” and “GET PARAMETER ID”. § Use the field attributes “SPA” and “GPA”. §Remember that parameter IDs can only be used with ABAP Dictionary fields because parameter IDs are linked to data elements. The appropriate data elements must have a parameter IDs for this “set/get” function to work.

->What are the ways of creating Tables?

Ans) There are two ways to create table
1) top-down approach
2)bottom-up approach

-> What are different Modes of displays in Call Transaction in BDC?

Ans) There are 3 types of modes in call Transaction.
All screen,Error screen,No screen.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


-> What is an “Unpack command”?

Ans) UNPACK TO .Unpacks the packed field field1 and places it in the field field2 with leading zeros. If field2 is too short, it is truncated on the left.

-> What is Search Help?

Ans) U can define Input helps and is an ABAP dictionary object

-> What is the difference between transparent and non transparent database tables?

Ans) Transparent tables have 1 - 1 cardinality b/w Data Dictionary and Database, and non transparent ( Cluster& Pooled) tables have Many - 1 cardinality.Transparent table can access with using OPen & NAtive SQL stmts where as Nontransparent only OPen Sql.Transparent trables can store Table relevent data and non transparent tables can store system data/ application data based on the transparent tables

-> BDC Transaction code?

Ans) SHDB.

-> What is the transaction to log the errors in BDC?

Ans) SM35.

Saturday, April 14, 2007



-> How can you create push buttons in the MenuPainter?

Ans: Using set Pfstatus in the report. (Or) using the Tcode se41.

->How many ways you can create Table?

Ans: User can create a Database table in two ways.
1.Top-to-bottom approach: In this approach, first fields are defined and later domain and data element are defined.
2.Bottom-to-top approach: In this approach, first domain and data element are defined and later fields are defined.

-> How to Upload Logo to Layout Set?

Ans: Use Transcation SE78 or Prg RSTXLDMC

-> If I am in 15th Secondary List how to navigate to 5th Secondary List?

Ans: use Back button or
place one pushbutton in application toolbar.
case sy-ucomm.
when 'Back'
sy-lsind = 5.

-> How many pushbuttons u can create in application toolbar in selection screen?


Thursday, April 12, 2007


->How can validate input values in selection screen and which event was fired?

Ans) We can Validate Selection Screen With the Help of the Following Events, the Event Follows the Same hierachy.

->Have you created any transactions?
Ans) We can use TC SE93 for creating our own transaction code.

->How to navigate basic list to secondary list?

Ans) We can Navigate from basic list to secondary list with the help the event called AT LINE-SELECTION. for every Secondary List the System Field SY-LSIND increases by 1. So there will be Totally 21 list possible in SAP.

->What does SM35 transaction do?

Ans) we can create session.

-> How can u call the Sessions?

Ans) using transaction code SM35 .

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


1. How to Upload Logo to Layout Set and what is Program Name?

Ans: You can upload a Logo in BMP format - it has to be saved as "%^ Colours if it is a colour Bitmap.
If you don't save a colour Bitmap as 256 Colours then it will be uploaded in Black.This can be done in Smart Forms, SAPSCript or TRansaction SE78

2)Have you worked with reading and writing data on to files?

Ans: YES,open dataset for output.
read dataset from itab.
close dataset .

3)Can u call Report in Sap Script?

Ans: Yes we can.Just write in Line editor:
/:perform f_display_report---------

4) What is the function module used to print in a layout set?

Ans: write_Form

5) Have you used WS Upload? Difference between WS Upload and Upload.?

Ans: while using upload we give file name and file type in the function itself as parameters.In ws_upload we give the filename and file type at runtime.

Monday, April 9, 2007


SAPScript Important Programs

Here are some useful programs for SAPSCRIPT development/search ...

RSTXFCAT - Program to find out SAP Scirpt names (Search Program)

RSTXCDM1 - SAPscript: Sample Program for Form Printing

RSTXCNVR - Converting SAPscript standard text to RAW format (ASCII)

RSTXCPDF - Routines for Converting OTF Format to PDF Format

RSTXDBUG - Activate/Deactivate Form Debugger

RSTXFCAT - Find Forms
RSTXFCPY - Copy Forms Between Clients

RSTXFCOM - Comparison of Two Forms

RSTXFCON - SAPscript: Conversion of Page Format for Forms

RSTXFINF - Comprehensive Information about a Specific Form

RSTXHTML - Conversion of SAPscript Texts (ITF) to HTML

RSTXICON - List of SAP icons and their names and SAP numbers
RSTXSYMB - List of SAP symbols and their names as well as SAP number

RSTXR3TR - Transport Program For SAPscript Transport Objects

RSTXSCAT - Find Styles

RSTXSF01 - TrueType font installation for SAPscript/SmartForms

RSTXTCAT - Find Standard Texts

Useful SAP Predefined Reports

New ItemREKH0004 SAP demo program that shows how to do 2D, 3D, and 4D graphics.
RGUGBR00 Substitution/Validation utility
RHGENZ0/HRGRENZ2 Notes RHGRENZ0/2 will abend if there are any inconsistencies between PD and PA (i.e. people in a different controlling area than the position they belong to).
RHGRENZ0 Delimit IT1000 and related 1001s. Program will delete any 1001 infotypes whose start date is after the delimit date.
RHGRENZ1 Extend the end date on delimited records. Very useful when you delimit a bunch of records incorrectly, and need to change the end date.
RHGRENZ2 Delimit IT1001 only.
RKCTSEAR Search source code for up to two strings. Also see RSRSCAN1 and RPR_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN.
RPDTRA00 List all HR transactions.
RPR_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN Search ABAP code for a string. Has many more options for selecting the ABAPs to search than RSRSCAN1 or RKCTSEAR.
RPUAUD00 HR Report to list all logged changes for an employee. Uses the PCL4 Audit Cluster.
RPUAUDDL HR Report to delete audit data from the PCL4 Audit Cluster.
RPUDELPN Delete all info for an employee number, including cluster data and infotypes
RPUP1D00/10 View/Delete data from PCL1 Cluster
RPUP2D00/10 View/Delete data from PCL2 Cluster
RPUP3D00/10 View/Delete data from PCL3 Cluster
RPUP4D00/10 View/Delete data from PCL4 Cluster
RSABAPIV Mass print/display of ABAP/4 help text
RSAVGL00 Table adjustment across clients
RSBDCBTC Submit a BDC job with an internal batch number and wait for the end of the batch input session.
RSBDCDRU Prints the contents of a Batch Input session. No options for error transactions only.
RSBDCOS0 Execute UNIX commands. Looks similar to the old SAPMSOS0 program that disappeared in 3.0
RSBDCSUB Release batch input sessions automatically
RSBTCDEL Clean the old background job records
RSCLTCOP Copy tables across clients
RSDBCREO Clean batch input session log
RSINCL00 Extended program list
RSORAREL Get the Oracle Release
RSPARAM Display all instance parameters
RSPO0041 Removing old spooling objects
RSRSCAN1 Search source code for a given string. Will also search includes. Also see RKCTSEAR and RPR_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN.
RSSNAPDL Clean the old ABAP error dumps
RSTBSERV Compare a contents of a table between clients
RSTXFCON Converts SAPScript page formats
RSTXSCRP Save a SAPScript layout set to disk, and load it back into SAP.
RSTXSCRP Transport SAPscript files across systems
RSTXSCRP Upload and download SAPScript layout sets
New ItemRSTXTPDF4 Pass the spool number of a report's output to this program to have the output converted to PDF format.
RSTXTRAN Add standard texts to a transport so they can be moved between systems.
RSUSR003 Check the passwords of users SAP* and DDIC in all clients
RSUSR006 List users last login
RSWBO052 Change development class of a sapscript (provided by Alan Cecchini)
RSWBO060 put objects into a request and transport it to any other system

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